How To Update Geocache
This job aid
is intended to provide instructions for updating the coordinates on any
Geocache of which you are the owner.
From the main geocache page, locate
the Navigation menu list on the top, right hand side of the page;
<CLICK> on the menu item “log your visit”
<CLICK> the down arrow on the drop-down menu
for Type of log:
Select Update Coordinates from the drop-down
menu list.
Located the
checkbox for Add a waypoint to the log
and <CLICK> to check it.
Select the
appropriate format for the new coordinates. Degrees and minutes (MinDec) is the default and is the same format
as listed on the main geocache page.
Type in the
new/adjusted/corrected coordinates
NOTE: If you receive an error message indicating
that you cannot move the cache that far, you will need to submit a request to
the Reviewer to relocate the geocache.
Once you
have typed in the new coordinates, <CLICK>
in the Comments: box and add any
appropriate notes.
Finally <CLICK> on the button near the
bottom of the page called Submit log
Your new
coordinates will automatically be shown on the main geocache page and the log
will be updated with your entry to show the original coordinates and the
distance to the new location.